The Australian Tamil Cultural Society (ATCS) is one of the oldest multi cultural organisations in Canberra. Tamizh is one of the oldest languages and holds it origin in South India. Tamizh is popularly spoken over centuries in India, Srilanka, Singapore, Malayasia, Mauritius, South Africa and Fiji.

ATCS unites Tamizh speaking members in Canberra. Thanks to our founding members and all office bearers of yester years in forseeing the need for a Tamizh community in Canberra and establishing ATCS. ATCS was formally incorporated as an association under the Incorporated Associations ACT in 2004 and is also a member organisation of FINACT.

ATCS is an apolitical, secular association. Our core values are,
• Treat everyone equal
• Be inclusive
• Be transparent in our actions and decisions
• Embrace opposing views
• Listen to members’ feedback.

Chennai Tamizh School under the umbrella of ATCS, has been operating since 2006 to teach children in Tamizh culture and literacy. The school has successfully educated more than 100 kids since its inception. Chennai Tamizh School is a recognised school within the broader Community Language Schools Association of Canberra.
Chennai Tamizh School runs currently from Amaroo School on all Saturdays between 3:30 and 5:30pm, during ACT school terms. Tamizh is an ATAR subject.